They make it seem as if it’s something horrible if I never marry

It is common for other Christians who are married to allow unmarried Christians to feel a sense of shame if they are unable able to find a husband or a wife. But what does the bible say about this?
In 1 Corinthians 7 according to the NIV, it states clearly that it is good for a man to not marry, but since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.
 I goes on further to say that it is good for the unmarried to remain as they are but if they lack self control, its better they marry than to burn with passion.
An unmarried Christian is only concerned about God’s affairs. They only seek how they can please God and But the married Christian is concerned with e affairs of the world. They seek how they can please there partner and their interests are divided between God and the partner. Undivided devotion would be the most ideal situation for God.           
Therefore let us cut our single christians some slack. Whether you are married or unmarried, what is important is that in whatever you do, you should ensure that you are living a life that will please God.

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