Don't Spend Your life standing at the complaint counter

The person who is always finding faults seldom finds anything else.Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation.Any complainer will tell you that success is nothing but luck.Children are born optimists, and the world slowly tries to educate them out of their "delusion".
The fact is, the more you complain the less you will obtain.A life of complaining is an ultimate rut.The only difference between a rut and a grave is the timing.A complaining spirit is first a caller,then a guest and finally a master.
Some people always find the bad in every situation.Little men with little minds and imagination go through life in little ruts,resisting all changes which would jar in their little worlds.Small things affect small minds.Some people are confident they could move mountains if only some one else would just clear the rocks out of their way.
Some of the most disappointed people in the world are those who get what is coming to them.
Whenever you feel like complaining, bring God into the situation.You have to shut out His light to be in the dark."Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,whose mind is stayed on thee"(Is 26:3). Are you waiting on God, or is He waiting on you?Is God your hope or your excuse? Don't let heaven become only a complaint counter.
Do not complain.The wheel that squeaks the loudest often gets replaced.If you complain about other people,you have no time to love them.

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