6 Simple things that we could do to make the lives of the homeless better for at least 24 hours.

It is always heart breaking to see the conditions that other people who are living on the streets have to endure. Many of us pass them daily but have never stopped to take notice of how they are living. If Jesus was on earth I am positive that he would stop at every one he sees. Jesus loves us no more than he loves them. Here are 6 ways in which we could make their lives better for at least 24 hours.
  1. Say hello.- This may sound too simple but, you would be surprised to hear the number street persons who wish that at least one person would say hello to them. By saying hello, the individual will feel as if someone cares for them and I can bet that he/she will never forget you.
  2. Spare some change.-Do not be mean, share a little of your change regardless of how small it is. A little would be a lot to them. Remember that there were times when you had nothing and it was God who spared you some change.
  3. Share your breakfast.-Instead of eating your breakfast all off, save a little and give a street person on your way to work.
  4. Pray for them.-During your prayer session with God, tell him about the persons on the street. You may not know their names but no worries, God already know who it is that you’re talking about. God enjoys your prayer more when you pray for others instead of praying for yourself all the time.
  5. Give them some clothes.-Many of us have extra clothing that we no longer wear. Instead of putting them away, why not make it a gift to a homeless person.
  6. Finally, tell them about God.- Each time you give a gift to a street person, Let them know that it’s from God and not you. God was the one who blessed you with enough to share with them. If it had not been for God you would have nothing. Each day, try to be an example to them of what God is able to doing for their lives.
I hope that we will put at least one of these into action as we have chosen to be Christians and Christians should try to emulate Jesus in all their ways. Always think about what Jesus would do if he were here today. When we give to the less fortunate out of a sincere heart and not with the intention of gaining popularity in the community, God will bless us continuously so that we will always have to give another.

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