5 steps to identify the talent that God has given to you.

Our main purpose on earth is to serve God, but we all were given specific talents that will aid us in effectively doing this. Many people find it a challenge to identify what talent they have, but here are five steps which can be taken to easily help you determine what they are.
  1. Clear your mind. The first step in identifying what we are good at is to relax and clear your mind for a few seconds.
  2. Create a list of ten activities that you enjoy doing. Your talent is an activity that you always enjoy doing. It is something that you would passionately and willingly do. You do not necessarily have to be mastering the art of doing it just yet. Select ten activities that meet the criteria
  3. Time to eliminate. It will not always be the case that everything you enjoy doing is going to be your talent. For it to be a talent, it must meet two other key requirements. It should be able to enhance the lives of others on any occasion. This can either be spiritually or physically. It should also be able to bring honor and glory to God. If it could never be used as a tool to bring glory to God then, this is something that we should never be doing and also does not qualify as a talent which God gave.
  4. Pray about the remaining. After you have eliminated all that does not fit the criteria, pray about what is remaining. Recommit yourself and ask God to use you in the ways he had intended. Let him guide you on how to effectively use your newly discovered talent.
  5. Develop your talent. You have now discovered your talent so therefore, you have a lot of work to do. Do not expect to magically master your talent over night as it will require practice and dedication. As time goes by, you will be much better and more confident doing it.
Finally, we should use our talents for only God, as our talent is a tool which aids our purpose on earth of serving God. Your talent can be more than one. There is no limit as to what amount you can have. God gives us as many as he knows we are capable of handling.

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