Who is this great God that we serve?

God is the giver and sustainer of life and without him our lives would be nothing. We can only be saved by believing that he is the only true and living God and accepting him into our lives. Whenever we are in difficult situations and cannot see any solutions, he is always there waiting for us to ask him for help. Our only purpose on this earth is to spend our lives serving him. In all our ways, we should seek to imitate him. If we do not live a life that brings honor to him, we will therefore never be able to see him. God is pure perfection and it is only through him that we will be able to live a life that is considered as acceptable in his sight.

Christian life is very difficult as we face temptations everyday but through God’s grace, we are able to ask him forgiveness whenever we fall and he gives us strength to overcome our weaknesses. God loves us and wants us all to be with him but before we can do that, we have to submit ourselves to his commandments and remain faithful to him.
Christians should live each day by faith as God is the supreme provider. He knows all our needs and is able to provide them if we just believe in him. Many times we worry about how we are going to get through the future with our current limitations but I am here to remind you that the same God who had provided for us in the past is the same God who without a doubt is able to do the same now. God finds pleasure whenever we trust in him and therefore will never let us down.
God is a jealous God. He loves our attention and demands that all praise be directed to him. Many of us worship idols on a daily basis but are not aware. An idol is anything that comes between us and our relationship with God. This could be clothing, jewelry, money, cell phones, television, our new boyfriend or girlfriend or even our own selves. We should seek God’s kingdom first and all other things will be given to us by him. God already knows what we desire and will grant it to us as long as it is in alignment to his will. We should therefore make it our priority to please God first and he will then reward us.
It excites God when we tell others about him. We should never keep God’s word to ourselves as we are his distributers. By being a Christian we vow to live our lives following and faithfully working for God. There are many unsaved who want to hear something about God but we remain silent. Technology has created endless possibilities as to how we can spread God’s word. God is annoyed with us living like this and requires us to do much better than we are. 

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